
Gajendra Moksha Path

Gajendra Moksha is one of the most celebrated episodes in the Bhagavata Purana, an ancient Indian scripture. It recounts the story of Gajendra, the king of elephants, and his ultimate liberation by Lord Vishnu. The Gajendra Moksha Path (recitation or reading) is a devotional practice wherein this episode is recited with reverence and devotion.


  1. Purity and Cleanliness:

    • Clean the place where the path will be conducted.
    • Take a bath and wear clean clothes.
  2. Altar Preparation:

    • Set up a clean altar with a picture or idol of Lord Vishnu.
    • Decorate the altar with flowers, incense, and lamps.
    • Place a conch shell, which is symbolic in Vishnu worship.
  3. Gather Materials:

    • Bhagavata Purana or the specific chapter of Gajendra Moksha.
    • Offerings such as fruits, sweets, flowers, and water.
    • Puja thali (plate) with necessary items like diya (lamp), incense sticks, kumkum (vermilion), and sandalwood paste.
  4. Mental Preparation:

    • Calm your mind through meditation or by chanting "Om" or "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya."
    • Focus on the story and the essence of devotion and surrender.


  1. Invocation (Dhyanam):

    • Begin with the invocation of Lord Vishnu, seeking his blessings for the successful completion of the path.
  2. Sankalpa (Resolution):

    • Make a resolve to read the Gajendra Moksha Path with devotion and dedication.
  3. Path (Reading/Recitation):

    • Recite or read the Gajendra Moksha episode from the Bhagavata Purana.
    • Visualize the events of the story and immerse yourself in the devotion of Gajendra.
  4. Offerings and Aarti:

    • Offer fruits, sweets, and flowers to Lord Vishnu.
    • Perform aarti, singing hymns and praising Lord Vishnu.
  5. Prayers and Gratitude:

    • Conclude with prayers of gratitude to Lord Vishnu.
    • Ask for blessings and protection.


  1. Spiritual Upliftment:

    • Strengthens faith and devotion towards the Supreme.
    • Encourages the practice of surrender to the divine will.
  2. Mental Peace:

    • Reading the path brings tranquility and peace of mind.
    • Helps in reducing stress and anxiety.
  3. Protection:

    • Believed to protect from negative energies and adversities.
    • Provides inner strength to face challenges.
  4. Liberation:

    • Symbolizes the ultimate goal of moksha (liberation) from the cycle of birth and death.
  5. Blessings of Lord Vishnu:

    • Invokes the blessings of Lord Vishnu for prosperity, health, and well-being.


The Gajendra Moksha Path is a profound spiritual practice that highlights the power of sincere devotion and surrender. By preparing mindfully, reciting the sacred text with devotion, and performing the accompanying rituals, devotees can experience a deep sense of connection with the divine. The benefits are manifold, including spiritual upliftment, mental peace, protection, and the grace of Lord Vishnu. Through this practice, one is reminded of the ever-compassionate nature of the divine, who responds to the sincere calls of his devotees and grants them liberation.